Terms and Conditions for Hotels & Locations
1. Scope of application/scope
These general terms and conditions apply to all non-binding reservation requests as well as to group and conference bookings (by telephone, e-mail, post office, social media or by fax).
2. Travel 2 Meet as an intermediary
Inquiries and reservations are passed on to the respective hotel/location via Travel 2 meet as an explanatory messenger on behalf of the customer concerned.
The mediation by Travel 2 meet is free of charge for the guest. The resale of booked rooms/room contingents, meeting rooms and the related services to third parties is therefore prohibited. Travel 2 Meet reserves the right to block customer receipts in the event of a violation.
3. Inquiries and Booking
In the case of a booking, the contract in question is concluded directly between the respective customer and the hotel/location selected by the customer. The payment method is agreed between the customer and the hotel/location. The contract is subject to the general terms and conditions of the booked hotel/location.
The reservation of rooms, meeting rooms, etc. is made on the basis of an offer submitted by Travel 2 meet and requires a written consent/confirmation by the customer. After the end of the event, Travel 2 meet requests a copy of the invoice from the service provider in order to evaluate and statistically represent the services actually used.
4. Commission Agreement
The hotel/location is obligated to pay a commission on Travel 2 Meet. The basis of the Commission claim is the turnover charged to the organizer and the self-payer. The entitlement to commission is also for paid damages (cancellation policies). The Commission is to be paid exclusively to Travel 2 Meet – By no means to third parties.
5. Changes and cancellations
In the event of a change or cancellation, the service provider must be informed directly in addition to the mediator.
6. Data protection
Travel 2 Meet is obligated to treat all personal data in accordance with the data protection regulations. The data will not be passed on to third parties unless the user has given such consent.
7. Liability
Travel 2 meet only acts as an intermediary. Any liability for the content, expiration or payment of the event or the booked hotel nights will be excluded in any case. The customer has the obligation to provide the booked hotel with all necessary data for the booking after the fixed booking via Travel 2 meet. After the group or conference booking, the hotel/location is obligated to send a reservation confirmation to the client stating the payment and cancellation conditions. This should be confirmed by the customer in writing. The event or accommodation contract is concluded directly between the hotel/the location and the customer. Travel 2 Meet is not liable for any damage caused to the hotel/location in any way by the event or the customer. Travel 2 meet has no influence on the contents of the offers submitted by the hotel/location. The liability for correct information in the offers is excluded in any case.
8. Miscellaneous
All information has been compiled with the utmost care. However, no liability can be assumed for any errors in the data collection or transfer of data.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively. The place of performance is Hamm. In relation to merchants or persons who do not have a general German court of jurisdiction, Hamm is agreed. Otherwise, the legal venue shall apply.
The Publisher reserves the right to change the terms and conditions. Changes are currently posted on the website. A separate notification of changes does not take place. Further information on the authorized representatives and the cargo-capable address can be read in the imprint.

General terms and conditions for arranging group and Conference reservations
General terms and conditions for customers
1. Scope of application/scope
These general terms and conditions apply to group and conference bookings (by phone, e-mail, post, social media or by fax).
2. Travel 2 Meet as an intermediary
Each reservation is passed on to the respective hotel or location via Travel 2 meet as an explanatory messenger on your behalf.
The mediation by Travel 2 meet is free of charge for the guest. The resale of booked rooms/room contingents, meeting rooms and the related services to third parties is therefore prohibited. Travel 2 Meet reserves the right to block customer receipts in the event of a violation.
3. Hotel Contract and payment
The contract is concluded directly between you and the hotel/location you selected during the reservation. The payment method is agreed between you and the hotel/location. All claims and obligations arising out of the contract exist directly and exclusively between the person in the room and the hotel/location chosen by him/her. The contract is subject to the general terms and conditions of the booked hotel/location.
4. Reservation type
In the Group and conference area only guaranteed reservations can be made, which are subject to separate cancellation conditions. In case of non-timely cancellation or non-arrival, the hotel may charge the accommodation and/or meeting costs.
5. Changes and cancellations
All changes and cancellations must be made only in writing (including by e-mail or fax) and require the written confirmation by the hotel/location.
6. Data protection
The customer data is processed electronically by Travel 2 Meet. This data is only passed on to the extent necessary for a booking. There is no transfer for other purposes. For the rest, the legal data protection regulations are complied with during the data collection.
7. Liability
Travel 2 meet only acts as an intermediary. Any liability for the content, expiration or payment of the event or the booked hotel nights will be excluded in any case. The customer has the obligation to provide the booked hotel with all necessary data for the booking after the fixed booking via Travel 2 meet. After the group or conference booking, the hotel/location is obligated to send a reservation confirmation to the client stating the payment and cancellation conditions. This should be confirmed by the customer in writing. The event or accommodation contract is concluded directly between the hotel/the location and the customer. Travel 2 Meet is not liable for any damage caused to the hotel/location in any way by the event or the customer. Travel 2 meet has no influence on the contents of the offers submitted by the hotel/location. The liability for correct information in the offers is excluded in any case.
8. Miscellaneous
All information has been compiled with the utmost care. However, no liability can be assumed for any errors in the data collection or transfer of data. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively. The place of performance is Hamm. In relation to merchants or persons who do not have a general German court of jurisdiction, Hamm is agreed. Otherwise, the legal venue shall apply.
The Publisher reserves the right to change the terms and conditions. Changes are currently posted on the website. A separate notification of changes does not take place. Further information on the authorized representatives and the cargo-capable address can be read in the imprint.
Last update: 01.06.2018